Sunday, February 17, 2008

Comfort Food and a Bonfire

Yep! One of the main reasons I am writing tonight is to express the pleasure I had during tonight's dinner!

Bean soup with bacon and grilled cheese sandwiches, followed by a dessert of Girl Scout Cookies. Yummy!!

The day went well, church and Sunday school were good, and Jonathan and I watched a movie this afternoon when we got back home. But last night was better!

I actually got out of the house for a change!

One of the women from our Bible study/Sunday school invited us all to come to her house for dinner and a backyard bonfire. Dinner was wonderful (lasagna, sweet potato souffle and my apple pie for dessert) and the company was great. After dinner, we spent a couple of hours outside around the fire singing songs.

I actually sang a couple all by myself!

I had a wonderful time! Her house is very warm and welcoming--I can just imagine housesitting there and spending hours in her sunroom, or watching a movie in her living room. One of the other women there and I tried to invite ourselves back to watch a movie in the living room with a fire blazing in the fireplace, but we were told that the fire would be too expensive.

Oh, well! We tried :).

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