Thursday, May 29, 2008

Friday Five at the Garage Sale

From Songbird & Will smama at RevGalBlogPals...

1) Are you a garage saler? Not at all

2) If so, are you an immediate buyer or a risk taker who comes back later when prices are lower?

In general, I am not an immediate buyer. I wait, I mull it over, I reconsider. But it's like every so often, I just go crazy and buy on impulse.

3) Seriously, if you're not a garage saler, you are probably not going to want to play this one.(That wasn't really #3.)3) This is the real #3: What's the best treasure you've found at a yard or garage sale?

A friend found both a TV and a vacuum cleaner for me once. Does that count?

4)If you've done one yourself, at church or at home, was it worth the effort?

I should make my son do one--geez, he has a lot of stuff for a 7-year-old!!

5) Can you bring yourself to haggle?

I have on other occasions--and have gotten good deals, too! Only seems to work when I really don't care, though.

My own bonus question: if you're not a garage saler, what would make you convert?

If I actually knew ahead of time what kinds of things might be there. Like, right now, I need a washer/dryer set and a vacuum cleaner. If I saw a garage sale sign with those items listed, I'd turn my car around to go find it.


revhipchick said...

good play! how funny is it that the first 2 players aren't even garage salers!


Sally said...

make that the first 3 players :-)!

Law+Gospel said...

You are so right about our kids' stuff! Mine are tenneagers- it only gets worse.

RevAnne said...

So with you on the bonus...and occasionally I will watch the newspaper ads to see what they have to offer. But I'm not much of a fan.

Auntie Knickers said...

Actually, having your seven-year-old have a sale is a good idea. (Sorting out items to give to charity might be even better, but hey, he's seven.) The few times I've had sales it has had the unexpected effect of getting my kids to weed their clothes and possessions -- of course they got to keep the money.

Unknown said...

I think that was a great success!

Di said...

Your #4 makes so much sense. I suspect that if I have kids someday, I'll be a much more enthusiastic yard saler!

Queen Mum said...

My 7 year old has way too much stuff too. A true pack rat. She cries when I ask her to get rid of the packaging to toys....

Rachel said...

love this play, so awesome.