Friday, May 16, 2008

Today's Healing Gift

Someone recently asked me for healing and as always, it blessed me to do it!

But not only does it feel good to do distant healing, I am almost always reminded or inspired to work on healing something in myself that I hadn't thought of or completed. I've made a change recently and change often makes me cranky!

And I was just putting up with it. I hadn't even thought about directing healing toward it specifically. I think I was trying to ignore it! And there has been so much on my mind lately~~I'm still taking in everything I experienced during the retreat~~that it was easy to shrug it off.

But thankfully, someone reminded me that I can have help with any and everything that concerns me. Even the things that make me irritable!

I feel so much better now!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

what a gift indeed. bless you bless you bless you.