Monday, June 16, 2008

Celebrating My Birthday

Today is my birthday!

But I got two of my best presents last night. My beloved sent me an e-card and posted in the online gay Christian community we belong to, creating a birthday thread for me. And sent me an email this morning wishing me a happy birthday. It meant so much to me that she did all that because I know how tired she is with her job! And it helped make it a little easier to be here today while she's there.

My other gift last night was the moon!

I don't think I've ever seen it look so beautiful!! It had a wonderful halo/aura around it. I find the moon very comforting and soothing, and it was the last thing I saw before I got into bed. It was easier to believe that everything's going to work out the way it should, that God's got it covered.

And also, today's wonderfulness is that I have been showered with love!

So many good wishes today.

And tonight, I get to eat at Olive Garden! :)

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